Placement agency for medical specialists

We are searching for professional medical staff from all disciplines for international medical clinics and facilities. Whether you’re a registered nurse with both feet firmly rooted in your profession or only just graduated, we offer everything you require for the development of your professional practice.
Für internationale Kliniken suchen wir medizinische Fachkräfte aller Disziplinen: Ärzte und Ärztinnen, examinierte Krankenschwestern und -pfleger und viele mehr. Wenn du auf der Suche bist nach deutlich überdurchschnittlicher Bezahlung und einer guten Work-Life-Balance – willkommen an Bord.
If you’re looking for significantly higher than average pay and the freedom to say “no” once in a while – welcome aboard.


Work wherever and whenever you choose.

Whether in Germany or abroad, full-time, part-time, temporary or permanent, to go and stay where you please – we will provide you with whatever model of employment you require
Take a tour of our site and register for free. We will contact you without delay.
Have we piqued your interest? Then watch our video!



Plycoco Pflege


You’re a nurse, caregiver, midwife or physiotherapist and would like to become self-employed?

Plycoco Pflege


Sie sind Krankenschwester, Pflegekraft, Hebamme oder Physiotherapeut und möchten selbstständig werden?


Who are we?

A motivated team of people, mostly with medical training ourselves, who take care of all administrative matters.
Since 2008, Plycoco International has established itself as a reliable mediator between medical institutions and physicians and nurses.

Our extremely fair conditions and “job service” ensure that you will be able to earn money easily, when and where you want, with a healthy work-life balance.

You can reach us any time, we are always available.

What is our passion?

We have made it our mission to enable medical specialists to pursue their profession in a self-determined manner.
Medical professions, especially nursing ones, are often overburdened with insane demands. There’s hardly another field of occupation that has been and is still so overextended and exploited. A single nurse with far too many patients, night shifts, double shifts and only very rare compensatory time off – constantly under the control of others. Anyone and everyone who is familiar with the medical field knows what we’re talking about.
Let go of old habits and strike out in a new direction! In an equitable partnership, together we can help you manage and control your own professional life.


The registration process is quick and easy.  With just a few clicks you’re that much closer to your new dream job.


Foreign assignments

Are you ready for adventure? New experiences in other countries? You’re fluent in English or another language? Which country do you have in mind? Where would you like to go?
If you have a concrete interest and the relevant expertise, there are many doors open to you. Please let us know which country you would like to go to. We have many international requests.
Plycoco Auslandseinsätze
Plycoco Krankenschwester lebe deinen Traum

Living your dream

We all chose to pursue a career in medicine because we want to help other people. We get satisfaction from being there for others, easing and healing, helping our patients get back on their feet – in the truest sense of the word. The most beautiful reward is a patient who has been discharged as fit and healthy.
However, day-to-day working conditions often allow far too little time. Overwork, underpay and long-term nursing shortages actually turn beautiful professions into a martyrdom. Of course this is no good for the patients nor for all of those who work with them.
Don’t let your desire for a fulfilling career be shattered! Listen to your heart and change the conditions. Plycoco International can help you do this. If you allow us, the pleasurable aspects of the job will return almost on their own.

Plycoco International Ltd.
Rafael Santi No. 5
Q‑apital Tower
Office 202
6052 – Larnaca

Am Borsigturm 6
13507 Berlin